Why All Your Teeth Have a Definite Purpose

Do you think that all teeth are the same? Do you think that you don't necessarily need all of them, as you can achieve the same result with a few missing? It's amazing how many people have this viewpoint, which is of course completely wrong. There's a reason why dentists have a number to identify each tooth – or indeed a gap where there should be a tooth. What are the implications if you don't have a full set?

Are You Giving Yourself Indigestion?

It's certainly the case that the main function of your teeth, both the canines and molars, is to convert food into such a size that it can be swallowed safely and effectively. This is the first step in your engine, whereby you convert raw material into energy. The front teeth are, of course, used to initially break the food into more manageable sizes, before the back teeth grind down even more so that it can be swallowed. You may find subtle difficulties in processing your food properly if you don't have a full complement of teeth. You may still be able to get the job done, but the food may be incorrectly masticated and this could lead to issues with digestion.

Changing the Way That You Look

Importantly, however, when you lose teeth and don't replace them you may find that changes occur to the vertical height of your face. This is especially the case if you lose teeth towards the back of the mouth or posterior. Again, without replacing them, it can lead to a certain amount of bite collapse. This is because the teeth that surround the gap will start to move, as they are not being held in place so much anymore. As the back teeth move forward, this puts pressure on the front teeth which can also tend to move outward a bit.

As the top half of your face does not have quite as much support any longer in this way, it will tend to sink somewhat. The edges of the mouth may start to droop and wrinkles may start to form. In time, your appearance will definitely change through this type of inaction.

Filling in the Gaps

For this reason, dentists recommend that you always replace teeth that may be lost. This can be achieved in a variety of different ways, but implants are often favoured. This may involve some restructuring of the bone and gums in the area around the gap, if it's been some time since the tooth was removed. In essence, however, an implant can be placed by first of all inserting a titanium post very precisely into the gum, allowing for it to be accepted and to heal, before attaching a lifelike crown.

Assessing Your Case

If you'd like to see what options are available to you to replace teeth that have gone missing, visit a dentist first.
