Why Use All-Ceramic Crowns to Cover Teeth at the Front of the Mouth?

If one of your teeth has suffered damage but doesn't need to be extracted, a crown is a good option. Essentially, a crown is a cap fitted over the tooth to cover any signs of damage and provide added strength. They can be made from several materials, including resin and porcelain-fused to metal, but all-ceramic crowns are generally preferred to cover teeth at the front of the mouth, and here are just a few reasons why.

Natural Appearance

Teeth at the front of the mouth are extremely visible. If the crown is even slightly artificial looking, people will notice you've had work done whenever you smile or talk. That's obviously something you want to avoid, and it's one of the main reasons why ceramic crowns tend to be preferred at the front of the mouth. All-ceramic crowns are naturally translucent, so they very accurately mimic the appearance of natural teeth. With no metal used, there are no dark lines around the bottom. In fact, there's no better material for replicating a natural smile.


You might hear your dentist tell you that ceramic is a biocompatible material. This simply means that gum tissue will grow around the edges of the crown, which isn't always the case when a metal or plastic is used. Those materials are still safe, but they tend to create gum recession, which will make the edges of the crown visible. All-ceramic crowns don't cause gum recession – this further improves their appearance at the front of the mouth, and it also reduces the chance of infection.

Less Chance of Sensitivity

Teeth at the front of the mouth often suffer from sensitivity more than those at the back since they are much thinner. Without as much enamel protecting the vulnerable pulp, temperatures are transmitted more easily, creating aggravating shooting pains when all you want to do is drink some coffee or enjoy some ice cream. Sensitivity can still be a problem after a crown has been fitted because there is still some natural tooth left over, and the thinner front teeth will be most at risk. All-ceramic crowns use no metal, so hot and cold temperatures aren't distributed so easily.

Lighter and Thinner  

Finally, all-ceramic crowns are usually easier to fit because the material can be made so thin and light. This is always an advantage, but it's particularly important when you're dealing with teeth at the front of the mouth. Remember, teeth at the front are smaller and tend to crowd together, so using the lightest, thinnest crown material is always a good idea.
