Three Fundamental Tips for Maintaining Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are a perfect choice if you have lost one or more teeth. The use of implants will stabilise the jawbone and prevent the other teeth from shifting. Usually, if one loses a tooth, the other teeth will drift and use up the gap. This movement could cause misalignment problems. Moreover, if you have lost multiple teeth, the underlying bone will deteriorate. Dental implants are placed in the bone to act as a root. This solution allows for the placement of a replacement tooth that looks and functions like a natural one. If you have decided to get dental implants, use these simple tips to maintain for long-term use.

Use a Soft Brush The placement of a dental implant can cause some tissues to be quite sensitive. Therefore, if you use a tough toothbrush, you will experience significant discomfort. You can avoid this problem by purchasing a gentle brush with nylon bristles. You can also inquire about the best toothbrushes available from your dentist. Brush normally to prevent the build-up of dirt, bacteria and other infectious microorganisms. Use the toothpaste recommended by your dentist. Minimise the use of products with abrasive, whitening compounds because they might irritate the dental implant site.

Floss Regularly Poor flossing habits can harm your dental health, especially after the placement of implants. Therefore, you should plan on flossing daily to eliminate residues around the new dental device. Keep in mind that plaque will build up fast around the implant. Moreover, the accumulation of residues will encourage bacterial growth. Without proper flossing, the possibility of infections will increase. If you have trouble keeping up with a good flossing routine, use reminders on your phone. Also, consider carrying your floss around and take advantage of idle periods.

Monitor Condition You should monitor the condition of your dental implant site, especially after the initial placement. In general, implants will integrate with the bone with ease. The surgical site will also heal without special care. However, in some cases, complications will occur due to factors like patient health status and post-operative care practices. For example, a few people might get an infection. This problem often occurs when a patient fails to complete their prescribed antibiotics after the procedure. In some cases, the implant will not integrate with the bone. Therefore, you should monitor your status and consult your dentist if there are unusual symptoms such as consistent pain, inflammation and redness. Finally, follow the instructions provided by your dentist on implant care for better long-term function. 

For more information on dental implants, contact a professional near you.
