Denture Implants Explained

Like conventional false teeth, denture implants are a type of prosthetic. In other words, they are an artificial part of the body that is used to replace the natural body part that was once there. The big difference with implants compared to false teeth and dental veneers, however, is that they are never meant to be seen. Put simply, they are entirely functional items that a dentist will fit into your mouth so that implant dentures can be fitted to them. If you are being offered this sort of implant by your dentist, then what do you need to know? Read on to find out.

Why Might You Need Denture Implants?

The main reason any dental implants are fitted is that one or more teeth have rotted away and been removed. In such cases, it is possible to make a denture that will clip onto nearby teeth. However, this is sometimes problematic and can lead to discomfort or an ill-fitting set of false teeth. On the other hand, when a denture implant is inserted, patients will get a much more secure anchor point. To this, either a single porcelain crown or a set of implant dentures can be fitted. Usually made from medical-grade titanium, the implants are like little screws that are drilled into your jaw.

What Happens When They Are Fitted?

Drilling into your jawbone might sound uncomfortable, but dentists undertake this procedure all the time under general anaesthetic. As such, you won't feel a thing as your implants are fitted. Only very small groups of people are not suited to implants. You need to have stopped growing and not suffer from certain oral or bone-related conditions. Beyond that, most people can have them.

How Long Should They Last?

One of the best things about denture implants is that they will last for a lifetime if looked after. Having lost teeth due to a blow or from decay, this fact means being able to undergo a single treatment that will effectively replace missing teeth for good. Indeed, many of the dentures that attach to implants are tailor-made so they'll look like the natural colour of your other teeth.

What Are the Upsides of Implants?

Unlike other approaches to lost teeth, denture implants help to prevent further tooth loss. This is because they mimic the natural way that the roots of teeth work. In other words, they stimulate further bone growth. In comparison to conventional false teeth, no adhesives are required and you don't need to avoid sticky foods that might cause false teeth to slip.

Contact a dentist for more information about denture implants
